Thanks to the advent of continually innovative technologies, body contouring procedures have steadily trended in the direction of minimally and even noninvasive methods. The reason behind this trend is pretty obvious, as patients want to take fewer risks while enjoying similar results, and in most cases, at a discounted price.
In the early 2010s, CoolSculpting was the new kid on the block when it came to noninvasive fat-reduction procedures. This method took advantage of a technique called cryolipolysis, which freezes fat cells and induces the body to eliminate them naturally.
In recent years, a litany of noninvasive fat-loss treatments have emerged, all claiming to offer unique advantages over each other. One of these, called TruSculpt, is an alternative to external laser liposuction, CoolSculpting, EmSculpt, and other noninvasive procedures. Let’s dig into what TruSculpt is, and then explore some of this treatment’s advantages and disadvantages compared with other body contouring methods.
TruSculpt uses radiofrequency energy emitted through hand-held devices to heat up and ultimately destroy fat cells in a specific area of the body. The body will gradually flush this waste material out of the system naturally and over the course of about 12 weeks. Statistics have revealed that in one TruSculpt session, you can eliminate, on average, about 24 percent of the fat in the treated area.
The radiofrequency energy emitted by the hand-held devices does not only target the fat just below your skin but reaches all the way to the muscle. Like EmSculpt, TruSculpt claims to help sculpt patients’ muscles in addition to reducing fat.

This FDA-approved procedure provides effective results on the abdomen, love handles, arms, neck, thighs, and back. Note that body contouring and molding procedures are not meant to be used as colossal weight loss options. Most noninvasive fat-reduction options have strict body mass index (BMI) limits, as they work best on relatively in-shape people with small areas stubbornly resistant to exercise.
One distinct advantage to TruSculpt is that it is actually the first procedure on the market approved for people who have a BMI above 30. Furthermore, sessions are slightly quicker than similar processes like SculpSure (15 vs. 25 minutes per treated area, on average). You should have almost no recovery time afterward, as well.
TruSculpt has been described as feeling like you are receiving a hot stone massage, which will leave you with some mild redness and soreness following the session. While most can handle the pain, some require the energy to be turned down if the procedure becomes too uncomfortable. This necessity can hamper the extent of results.
Another disadvantage to TruSculpt is that, as stated earlier, it takes quite some time for results to show. This means you will have to patiently wait up to 12 weeks for your body to process out the damaged fat cells. Additionally, if you do not maintain healthy habits, you can easily regain the fat you just lost.