For those struggling with stubborn fat deposits, CoolSculpting is the non-invasive, FDA-approved procedure that might just solve your problems. CoolSculpting (also referred to as cryolipolysis) involves using a vacuum applicator on the target areas to cool and subsequently kill a targeted body part’s fat cells.
What is CoolSculpting?
The science explaining how CoolSculpting works is that fat cells are more susceptible to injury from cold temperatures than other cells. Therefore, the decreased temperature on targeted areas injures the fat and causes white blood cells to start breaking down the damaged material. Later, the body naturally removes the dead cells through the liver. Although the process of removing fat from the body takes quite some time, the length of the procedure is only about an hour long.
Who Are the Best Candidates for CoolSculpting?
The best candidates for CoolSculpting are those who only have a small number of fat deposits and are at a stable weight. CoolSculpting should not and cannot be used to treat obesity because it only addresses localized fat pockets. Like all cosmetic procedures, this is not a replacement for a healthy diet and lifestyle. Specific risks are possible, including redness and bruising in the targeted areas. According to a study performed by multiple MDs on the efficacy and safety of the procedure, Cryolipolysis is safe in the short term and causes proven results of fat reduction. Fortunately, unlike other treatments, Cryolipolysis has no risk of infection. However, in sporadic cases, an adverse reaction called paradoxical adipose hyperplasia can follow CoolSculpting.

How Long Will it Take CoolSculpting Results Show Up?
Results vary on a case-by-case basis; however, most studies cite at least marginal results within the first month. After three to four months, ideal results will become visible. Optimal results require one to three procedures, with each CoolSculpting treatment spaced by at least a month. Fortunately, due to the noninvasive nature of CoolSculpting, no downtime or recovery time is required, though you may deal with minor side effects listed above.
How Do You Improve CoolSculpting Results Time?
The following methods can help make CoolSculpting results appear more quickly:
- Exercising: it’s not surprising that exercise will hasten your recovery and results. Proper training does not only mean an increased cardio regimen but also entails increased strength conditioning. Building muscle is the best way to decrease fat because it is more sustainable than other weight loss options. Muscle-building techniques vary for person-to-person, but it’s important to remember that simply running on a treadmill is not going to provide the best results.
- Improving Your Diet: Like proper exercise, improving your diet is an obvious choice to enhance CoolSculpting results. An improved diet does not mean taking part in diet trends and fads, but instead increasing your vegetable, fruit, and whole-food intake. Finding a stable, sustainable healthy diet is the best choice for improving your weight and health.
- Increasing Water Intake: Because the procedure actively utilizes the functions of the lymphatic system and the liver, increasing water intake will help assist in flushing the body of toxins. Further, increasing your water intake will assist in supporting a healthy lifestyle, as proper hydration is a key to good health.
- Follow-Up Treatments: Follow-up treatments will allow for a more significant reduction of fat pockets. You should wait at least four weeks before a second treatment, however, and always check with your practitioner about their recommended course of action.