Sculpting your abs takes dedication and discipline, because even though we don’t see them yet, those six-pack abs are achievable. The hard part is the diet, as eating clean meals with some wiggle room is the biggest hurdle many faces. Combine that with some of these easy-to-do ab workouts, and you are on your path for quick abs.
Mountain Climbers
Place yourself in a plank position and put the palms of your hands on the floor. With one leg straight out, bend one knee to your chest and back from there, then repeat with the other leg. The best way to perform the full workout is by touching your elbow with your knee.
Bent Leg V-Up
Lie on your back with legs in the air and bent at 90 degrees. Make sure that your shins are parallel to the floor. In a single motion, extend your legs and lift your torso. The point is to extend your arms and try to touch your toes with your hand. Once you lower back down, you have completed one rep.
We all did these in school, and it will feel like the longest minute of your life. Place yourself in a push-up position but with your forearms on the ground at a 45-degree angle. From there, hold yourself for a minute. The perk of this exercise is that you burn more calories than you would with crunches!
Lying Windshield Wipers
Start while sitting on your tailbone with your upper body propped up on forearms and legs lifted in the air. Without moving your upper body, slowly make a half-circle with your legs, arching up and over until they hover on one corner of the mat. When you come back to the first corner, you have completed one rep.
Flutter Kicks
Lie on your back and raise the legs a couple of inches from the ground. From there lower one, without touching the ground and raise the other leg slightly more. This movement must be done quickly, and you will feel the pain around your abs so that you know that it’s working.
Russian Twists
For this exercise, begin seated while balancing on your tailbone. Your legs should be bent and elevated so that your shins are parallel to the floor. Lean back and rotate your upper body from side to side.
Half Sit-Up
We all know that with a regular sit-up, you start by laying on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the ground. The same goes for a half sit-up, but as you raise your arms upward, only sit up halfway before lowering yourself back down.
Side-To-Side Crunch
Lie on your back with the knees bent in and your feet flat on the floor, the same as you would for a sit-up. Straighten your arms by your sides and curl your shoulder blades and head off the mat. Without lowering your chest, reach your right hand to your right foot and so the same on your left side. This should be done quickly and without lowering your back.
Leg Raise
Lie down on your back and place your palms behind your glutes; this will help you lift. Lift your legs as high as possible, and go back to the original position. This is not as easy as it looks, but it’s focused only on your abs, which is right where you want it.
Side Plank Dips
This will give you that feeling that we all love from a plank but focus on your sides as well. Start in a left side plank with a forearm on the floor and right leg stacked on top of left. Lower your hips towards the ground a couple of inches and then come back up, that would be considered one rep.
Bicycle Crunch
Lie on your back with left knee pulled towards your chest while your right leg is bent in the air at a 45-degree angle. Curl your shoulder blade and head off your mat with hands behind your head with elbows wide and torso rotated toward your left knee. Reverse your position while rotating your torso towards your right knee.
Knee Rise-Pull Up
For this exercise, you will need the help of a pull-up bar. You will hang on the bar and pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar. While you hold yourself in this position, you raise your knees to your chest, and that will be one rep.
You won’t kill a bug with this workout, but you will be killing some fat off. Lie on your back with your arms extended straight over your chest and legs lifted at a 90-degree angle. Slowly and at the same time straighten and lower one leg, and the opposite arm drops to the floor overhead.
Working out your abs doesn’t always require the need to go to an overly crowded gym. In the comfort of your own home, you can get those washboard abs you’ve been craving.