Brazilian butt lifts are some of the most popular cosmetic procedures performed by certified doctors today. The number of buttocks augmentations using fat from other body parts—which falls under the umbrella of “fat grafting”— increased 26 percent between 2015 and 2016, while traditional butt lifts using implants increased 18 percent over the same period. Since then, butt lifts have only continued trending upward, with a 19 percent year-over-year increase registered from 2017 to 2018, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
The Brazilian Butt Lift
During this type of procedure, a surgeon removes fat from an unwanted area such as the abs, lower back, or inner thighs, and transfers this fat to the butt cheeks. This technique is basically a combination of liposuction and butt augmentation. Doctors use no implants during the process, yet, patients who are skinny and do not have enough fat for a transfer may require implants.
Although breast augmentation procedures are still slightly more requested, the numbers listed above show how butt augmentation procedures have surged in popularity in recent years. Experienced surgeons will not just focus on the size of the butt, but also on shaping and reforming the entire torso, including the waist, abs, and inner thighs.
Trends in how we view beauty have also evolved recently. In past eras, to be considered pretty or sexy, you had to be skinny. Now society cares much more about embracing your natural body and being healthy, regardless of size.
How Does it Work?
Surgeons performing natural butt augmentation procedures will first remove fat from target spots with excesses identified by the patient. Before extracting fat from these areas, the doctor must examine your entire body to determine whether it is healthy and safe to proceed and whether the spots chosen for removal are healthy. There is no one-size-fits-all approach, as everyone’s body has its own unique details and nuances. After a successful examination, grafting fat and placing it into the buttocks allows a plastic surgeon to reshape the patient’s figure, slimming the waist while making the entire torso look curvy.

Possible Risks
Here are some risks to consider when getting a Brazilian Butt Lift. It is important to understand that while these types of procedures generally come with more risks than other cosmetic surgeries. Still, by properly vetting your doctor, conducting the necessary research, and following instructions closely, you can minimize the chances of running these risks.
- Infection: Surgical infections are always a risk, especially when dealing with a large-volume fat transfer, as is the case in a Brazilian butt lift. It is imperative that surgeons use a precise, sterile technique, and that all patients receive appropriate antibiotic prophylaxis.
- Contour irregularities: Fat grafting is not an exact science, which means several scenarios can occur, such as excess fullness, possible indentations (not cellulitis), and each buttock not having the same shape. You should follow your surgeon’s instructions as carefully as possible to achieve the best results.
- Fat embolism: If the fat is injected directly into the muscle, there is a chance that it can insert itself into the bloodstream and possibly travel to another organ. Make sure to talk to your surgeon about the possible techniques they will use.