Noninvasive, external laser liposuction is an innovative and quick fat-reduction procedure used to target trouble spots you want to touch up without needing any incisions or anesthesia. Besides the name, the method actually has very little in common with liposuction, as it involves no cutting, and everything is done on the skin’s surface. This process may seem so easy anyone can do it. However, in reality, laser liposuction is still a cosmetic procedure that should, under all circumstances, be supervised and administered by board-certified professionals.
Although the risks associated with noninvasive procedures are considerably less than with surgical procedures, they are still hazardous and can have lasting consequences if not done correctly. Some of the risks and side effects of external laser liposuction are slight burning of the skin, redness, tightness in the treated area, numbness, and itchiness. Keep in mind you can minimize these risks and side effects by having it done under the care of a certified doctor and his or her team. If the procedure is done at home by any random person, then the risks become exponentially higher.
We have seen cases of severe burns and permanent skin damage in patients who tried laser liposuction at home. These cases are more common than you would imagine, and the results are more or less the same every time. Besides severe burns, patients have complained about constant flare-ups in the treated area that cause the skin to become sensitive and aggravated if anything rubs against it.

Unfortunately, such cases of self-inflicted pain have become more common nowadays, as one can buy an external laser liposuction machine straight off eBay or Amazon, sometimes for as low as $1,000. This prospect is a massive concern for the medical field, not only because it can take away business, but also because it can give the industry a bad name. People may be tempted to try this at home by setting up a small shop, claiming that they are certified, and offering fat-loss sessions at a discounted price. These might seem like a great deal for potential patients, but don’t be fooled, such options are just as dangerous as a procedure done at home.
We highly recommend that you visit a board-certified surgeon before deciding on undergoing any cosmetic procedure since, after all, these procedures are usually life-altering. Even with noninvasive laser liposuction, your new look can and should be long-lasting, and if done incorrectly, it can cause extreme amounts of pain and trauma to the patient.