General anesthesia is safer today than ever before, thanks in large part to significant advancements made in the medical field. Yet, despite these strides, anesthesia still poses some significant risks.
Common complications associated with general anesthesia include high fevers, cognitive dysfunction, breathing problems, and in exceedingly rare cases, death.
Therefore, the best recommendation we can give patients concerned about receiving general anesthesia is to pursue cosmetic operations that use local anesthesia or no anesthesia at all. If you think such procedures are difficult to find, think again because continued progress and research in the field of cosmetic procedures has made everything possible!
Doctors use general anesthesia in most traditional fat removal surgeries. Nevertheless, alternative cosmetic procedures exist that no longer require you to be completely unconscious. From minimally invasive laser liposuction to noninvasive techniques like CoolSculpting or EmSculpt, prospective patients can now pick from a long list of alternatives.
One of the newer alternatives on the market is AirSculpt, a procedure offered exclusively by a company called Elite Body Sculpture. This method is heralded for its ability to remove fat without much pain or discomfort, all done while the patient remains awake. It also has been proven to give faster and safer results than traditional methods.
AirSculpt Uses Advanced Tech
AirSculpt is a fat removal procedure patented by Dr. Aaron Rollins, the founder of Elite Body Sculpture.
This procedure removes fat cells one by one through a tiny opening, while traditional methods scrape out the fat through large incisions using thick tubes and a tumescent solution. Comparable methods include minimally invasive laser liposuction procedures like Sono Bello, which similarly can be done with the use of local anesthesia alone.
AirSculpt cosmetic procedures do not use needles or require stitches post-procedure. The entire fat removal process can, in fact, be done through an opening the size of a pencil eraser. This opening is later left to naturally heal, leaving a mark the size of a freckle.

No General Anesthesia
One of the significant benefits to AirSculpt is that it does not use general anesthesia at any point in the fat removal process. You will be completely awake during the whole treatment. All you receive is an oral medication to relax the body, but you’ll be so alert and pain-free that you can even take a phone call throughout the process!
Not needing general anesthesia stems from the minimal degree of invasiveness the procedure entails. Both of these factors contribute to the shorter recovery time associated with AirSculpt compared with more invasive procedures, like tumescent liposuction, which may require weeks to a month of recovery time. With AirSculpt, you can return to your working routine and schedule in a matter of days.